Registered Nurse Membership

Through the Registered Nurse membership, you have access to a variety of member benefits, including educational resources, networking opportunities, and more.

Membership Rates

One-Year Membership: $125
Two-Year Membership: $230

Membership Benefits

Select the dropdowns below to learn more about the benefits offered to you.

Clinical Resources
  • More than 40 hours of free, on-demand courses offering Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) credit.
  • Access to the full library of Nursing Resource Guides (available in English and Spanish)
  • Subscription to the Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
  • Monthly member newsletter, HPNA Happenings
  • Weekly HPNA SmartBrief newsletter
Networking Opportunities
Discounted Exam and Recertification Pricing

Registered Nurse members receive discounted pricing on HPCC certification examinations and recertification for the following certifications:

  • ACHPN®
  • CHPN®
  • CHPPN®
Discounted Educational Products & Services
Advocacy and Public Policy

HPNA represents its members at the national level through:

  • Partnerships with national organizations and coalitions that advocate for issues important to the nursing community and hospice and palliative care
  • A team of Washington, D.C. based lobbyists who represent HPNA’s policy priorities before Congress and federal agencies
  • The HPNA Advocacy Committee and State Ambassadors to develop policy priorities and positions aligned with HPNA’s guiding principles
  • Providing legislative and regulatory summaries and updates through the Public Policy Special Interest Group and Advocacy Network
  • Education and training opportunities and advocacy resources that empower members to tell their stories and impact state and federal policies
  • Opportunities to contact your legislators and respond to calls to action through HPNA’s advocacy action center
Additional Opportunities